Herman Williams, PGA Golf Instructor, has over 35 years of experience as a top golf teaching professional offering Golf Instruction, Golf Schools, Clinics and Private Golf Lessons.
“Get Hermanized Today …
Play Better Golf Tomorrow“
GOLF LESSONS by Herman Williams Golf
26,000+ lessons & counting.
Students come from all over North Carolina & beyond for Herman’s instruction & lessons. Go to the Blog to see online video golf lessons, swing tips and instruction articles. Although now retired from full-time golf instruction, with the right amount of persuasion, you can still reach Herman for private lessons if you’re schedule is flexible. Online lessons are available by clicking this link: book an online golf lesson.
I am a PGA Professional Golf Instructor teaching golf lessons in North Carolina since 1990.
My goal is to remove the mystery of the golf swing while passing on the wisdom gained from the 26,000+ golf lessons I’ve given over the years. As a professional instructor and former club fitter, I am focused on the 2 things that are going to make your game easier and more fun – the swing and the clubs. I am always striving to improve the content and quality of my teaching. My emphasis is on video golf lessons which you can sample on my YouTube Channel. Online golf lessons and swing tips are the core of this website, but along the way I may blog about other golf-related themes.
What does it mean to GET HERMANIZED?
Getting Hermanized is the phrase many of my students have jokingly used throughout the years to describe the process of getting “cured” during a golf lesson. Check my Youtube Channel for video golf lessons to “Get Hermanized” or if you’re in North Carolina, look me up for private golf lessons.
My swing tips and video golf lessons are for average players looking to get better – primarily for the beginner to intermediate golfer 10 handicap and higher, but I work with all skill levels from aspiring Tour Player to high school freshmen trying out for the golf team to complete “newbies” taking up the sport for the first time as adults. Private one-on-one golf lessons are available by appointment and online golf lessons are available anytime.
Please send your requests for videos and instruction articles. I can’t make any promises as I’m a lot more than an online content creator – I still have to manage a business and make time to be a real-life golf instructor for the private golf lessons I give, but I do want to hear from you.
I’ll make every effort to personally respond to comments and questions, but please be patient. With over 16,000 subscribers on YouTube alone, plus thousands of past students, it is impossible to respond to all of them. Plus there are other website, email, video, friend, and family commitments, not to mention my favorite hobby, surfing. If the waves are up, expect to see me on the NC coast somewhere. But please leave Comments so others may benefit from the discussion.
The Ultimate Game
Remember, golf is the ultimate test of patience and self discipline and a true character builder. That’s why it’s the game of a lifetime and one of the most rewarding personal achievements you can experience. Work hard, play hard, enjoy the journey and make some good memories along the way. I hope to meet you somewhere on that journey.
All posts on this site are authored by Herman Williams.
Thanks for your video on the grip
I’ve played since 12 now 70 but positioning the right hand as you indicated has been a great game changer
Hope I can get to Raleigh from Atlanta one day to be Hermanized
Thanks Clay, never too late. 🙂
Hi Herman
Your video on the down swing transition was great! I was turning my hips at the top of the back swing and slicing everything. Do you do in line instructions ?
Thanks Mike. Yes, you can get more info on this page: https://www.hermanwilliamsgolf.com/golf-instruction/online-golf-lessons-video-swing-analysis/
I have been experimenting with the waiters tray position of right hand at top of backswing. Thought I remembered it from something I read on Ben Hogan. Your article cemented that position in my mind and your article also is helping me slot the right palm on downswing. Thank you so much. Seeing good results on Simulator and range. Can’t wait to take it out on course.
Thanks Paul, hope it works for you.
I just watched about 12 of your utube golf videos and gained a lot of knowledge from watching them. I really liked your calm but in depth approach you use for teaching. You did not try to speed talk your way through any of the videos. You took your time and really broke down every aspect of the points you were teaching. I am 62 years old and really love and respect the game. I work hard at trying to improve my game but there are some things that I do not understand about the golf swing. Hope that we can have an opportunity to get together some day. I live in Chattanooga, TN. I wish you the best in your future journey.
Clarence Taylor
I’m interested in golf lesson, totally new to it. Any info for lessons in Fayetteville NC?
Lorianne, I’m sorry I don’t know anyone in Fayetteville. If you are interested in making the drive to Apex, NC I’m there every other Tuesday and Saturday … at least until winter weather shows up.
Any personal recommendations for a pro in Westchester county N.Y. Who teaches in your style. Really enjoy your approach.
Thank you
Sorry, don’t have any contacts there.
Consider me “Hermanized”! So glad I found your tutorials; best help I’ve ever had. Ty Sincerely, Travis Pate