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Golf Setup Lesson Pt 2 – Preshot Routine

This golf setup preshot routine golf lesson describes in detail how to move into position for a golf shot on the course and how to setup to a golf ball and aim the golf shot. Specific steps just for the setup itself are available by clicking: How to Setup for a Golf Swing. Start by selecting your club …

Golf Setup Lesson Pt 1- Foundation for a Golf Swing

The golf setup is the foundation for a golf swing and getting setup to make a golf swing is probably as important as creating the proper foundation on which to build a building. Get it wrong, and it won’t matter how well you build  everything else. Look no further than the “Leaning Tower of Pisa” …

Golf Lag: Stop Casting, Lag like Tiger Woods

Golf lesson to diagnose casting in the golf swing with video & drills to create downswing lag and improve compression at impact. Golf lag is an elusive element in the downswing for most golfers. To stop cas

Stop Slicing, Pushing and Blocking Golf Shots

This post about slicing and blocking in golf is in response to several requests related to a previous golf lesson video on my YouTube Channel about how to stop coming over the top. It is quite common to fix one problem in the golf swing like “coming over the top” on the downswing, and then …

How to Practice the Golf Swing – Get the Most from Golf Lessons

Herman Williams, PGA Professional Golf Instructor in Raleigh, NC explains how to get the most from a golf lesson by introducing slow motion golf practice swings between sets of live ball hitting to really perfect your golf swing practice & training.

Golf Impact Position & Video Lesson – Camilo Villegas Style

The post from a few days ago about Camilo Villegas’ ball flight secret and power impact position was honestly too confusing. I’ve put together a great online golf video lesson about the Golf Impact Position Camilo Villegas style to explain things in better detail and demonstrate a couple of good drills  for you. This video …

Flat Left Wrist Golf Impact Position Like Camilo Villegas

Camilo Villegas won with a flat left wrist golf impact position. Do you have it? If you hit shots too high, can’t take a divot or lack distance, then odds are you’re missing out. If you saw Camilo’s win last weekend, you saw a classic ball striking and shot-making exhibition. He consistently hit punch shots, …

Golf Grip – How to Grip a Golf Club

The proper golf grip, specifically how to grip a golf club is an often overlooked detail as golfers tend to be far too interested in the complexity of the swing itself. However, a correct golf grip has everything to do with how the swing will develop including the motion of the arms and wrists, clubface …

Herman Williams Golf